重要 - important, 蛋黄 - egg yolk, 耳朵 - ear, 请假 - to ask for leave of absent, 想想看 - think of, 给你吃 - to give you something to eat, 就来 - to come right away, 青菜 - green vegetable, 找钱 - to give change, 想要 - would like to, to hope, to plan, 一朵花 - a flower, 吃饭 - to eat, to have a meal, 绵羊 - sheep, 不要 - do not, do not want, 青椒 - green pepper, 说谎 - to tell a lie, 语言 - language, 找到 - found, 黄色 - yellow, 方言 - dialect, 山羊 - goat, 就是 - exactly, that is, 说话 - to speak, to talk, to say, 请坐 - Please have a seat.,


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