1) organiser une boum a) to listen to the radio b) to cook c) to travel d) to organize a party 2) chanter a) to read b) to go fishing c) to travel d) to sing 3) cuisiner a) to cook b) to go camping c) to stroll d) to go fishing 4) lire a) to listen to the radio b) to draw c) to organize a party d) to read 5) aller au magasin a) to travel b) to draw c) to go to the store d) to swim 6) écouter de la musique a) to go out with friends b) to take pictures c) to go shopping d) to listen to music 7) faire du sport a) to travel b) to read c) to go shopping d) to work out 8) dessiner a) to draw b) to go fishing c) to travel d) to swim 9) faire les magasins a) to cook b) to go shopping c) to walk d) to go camping 10) nager a) to organize a party b) to take pictures c) to swim d) to go shopping 11) sortir avec des amis a) to go shopping b) to listen to the radio c) to go out with friends d) to cook 12) voyager a) to travel b) to go fishing c) to go shopping d) to take pictures 13) prendre des photos a) to read b) to walk c) to take pictures d) to cook 14) étudier a) to study b) to take pictures c) to go shopping d) to stroll 15) faire une promenade a) to go shopping b) to take pictures c) to stroll d) to travel 16) jouer aux cartes a) to swim b) to sing c) to go camping d) to play cards 17) jouer aux jeux vidéo a) to play videos games b) to read c) to swim d) to go out with friends 18) dormir a) to work b) to sleep c) to read d) to eat 19) travailler a) to travel b) to study c) to go out d) to work 20) trainer avec des amis a) to hang out with friends b) to go out with friends c) to eat with freinds d) to train with friends 21) parler au téléphone a) to message on the phone b) to talk on the phone c) to answer the phone d) to hang up the phone 22) Which activity can you not do on the computer? a) tchatter en ligne b) télécharger des vidéos c) jouer aux jeux vidéos d) faire du lèche-vitrines 23) Which activity can you not do on your phone? a) surfer sur Internet b) parler au téléphone c) jouer à l'ordinateur d) envoyer des textos

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