Shark - can't say: cartilage, fins, big teeth, swim, ocean , Star Fish - Can't say: star, fish, aquarium, ocean, tide pools, Dog - Can't say: tail, bark, fetch, bone, doghouse, shelter, pet, Cow - Can't say: milk, farm, cheese, white, black, calf, Octopus - Can't say: tentacles, ocean, squid, ink, eight, Elephant - Can't say: trunk, big, jungle, Africa, tusk, Giraffe - Can't say: hooves, tall, neck, leaves, Africa, Rhinoceros - Can't say: tusk, horn, charge, big, Africa, Cat - Can't say: whiskers, milk, pet, fluffy fur, lap, Parrot - Can’t say: colorful, bird, beak, jungle, feathers, Tiger - Can’t say: stripe, orange, cat, Savannah, endangered, Lion - Can't say: carnivores, mane, roar, Africa, Simba, king, Goat - Can't say: farm, horns, jump, mountain, cheese, milk, Rooster - Can't say: weathervanes, morning, crowing, feathers, comb, Snake - Can't say: long, slither, scales, rattle, desert, reptile, Lizard - Can't say: reptile, cold blooded, backyard, insects, fast, Frog - Can't say: jump, croak, pond, tadpole, slimy, flies, Monkey - Can't say: banana, tree, gorilla, jump, human, Horse - Can't say: mane, hooves, saddle, trot, neigh, mare, foal, Wolf - Can't say: canine, pack, howl, dog, wild, Fox - Can't say: fluffy tail, carnivores, pack, wild, orange, white, Porcupine - Can't say: spikes, woods, needles, hedgehog, Sonic, Skunk - Can't say: smelly, black and white, stripe, spray, neighborhood , Raccoon - Can't say: mask, trash, garbage, striped, panda, tail, Sheep - Can't say: white, wool, baba, Sean, farm, lamb, Deer - Can't say: antlers, galopp, hooves, sleigh, Rudolf, Stingray - Can't say: sting, swim, ocean, fish, fly, Ostrich - Can't say: bird, big, fast, run, can't fly, Bear - Can't say: Yosemite, berries, California, Grizzly, Pooh, Yogi, Alligator - Can't say: crocodile, scales, jaws, water, river, Panda- Can't say: bear, bamboo, Asia, black, white, china, Hamster - Can't say: pet, rodent, cage, wheel, small, Rat - Can't say: rodent, plague, long, tail, mouse, Pig - Can't say: farm, oink, Peppa, mud, curly tail, pink, Flamingo - Can't say: pink, bird, one, leg, shrimp.
Name That Animal
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
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