PODER - to be able to, DORMIR - to sleep, ALMORZAR - to have lunch, ENCONTRAR - to find, VOLVER - to return, COSTAR - to cost, DEVOLVER - to return something, CONTAR - to count, to tell, JUGAR - to play, PROBAR - to try, MORIR - to die, RESOLVER - to resolve, QUERER - to want, CERRAR - to close, EMPEZAR - to begin, ENTENDER - to understand, PENSAR - to think, PREFERIR - to prefer, CALENTAR - to heat up, COMENZAR - to start, MERENDAR - to have a snack, PERDER - to lose, HERVIR - to boil, SERVIR - to serve, PEDIR - to ask for, SEGUIR - to follow, continue, REPETIR - to repeat, REIR - to laugh, SONREIR - to smile, VESTIR - to get dressed,

Stem-changing verbs: Definitions

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