1) When is Samaras Birthday a) November 11 b) cruton c) yo mama d) September 11 e) November 12 f) January 1 2) What is Samaras last name a) Carter b) McClendon  c) Johnson Johnson d) demarus e) Joy (no) f) Williams 3) Where did she grow up a) In the bronx b) 2008 c) 1946 d) 2001 e) New York f) California 4) Who did she perform with a) TeXas b) Pasquale Grasso c) NEW YORK d) GA e) Beyonce f) Charles White 5) song genre? a) alt R and B b) SOUL c) jazz d) Hip HOp e) Classical f) Kids Bop 6) FINAL ROUND …. Who introduced her to Ella Fitzgerald a) Her friends b) Her mother c) Her grandmother d) 11.2 e) Her younger brother f) Her father

Samara Joy quiz for chorus only

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