image of memory , image of circuit board , image of cpu , image of motherboard, Central processing unit - what does cpu stand for?, image of speakers, The master program that manages how software uses the hardware of a computer- examples like (window, ios, android) - What is the Operating System?, Apps, Games, Websites, Maps - what is some examples of a computer software?, The smallest unit of of processing - What is a bit?, 2 (0 and 1) - How many digits are there in the binary system?, 1001 - How is the number 9 represented in the binary system?, 32 - How many wires are needed to store numbers from 0 to over 4 billion in the binary system?, binary system - How are images, text, and sounds represented? , Smaller the circuit the faster the electricity - Why are smaller computers faster?, Almost as the speed of light - How fast does electricity move?, Billions calculations a second - How many calculations per second can modern circuits perform?, image of power supply, image of fan, image of monitor, image of wires, image of ethernet wire, image of keyboard, image of mouse, image of printer, image of laptop,
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