1) middle half of the data that lies between the upper and lower quartiles a) Outlier b) Interquartile Range c) Box Plot d) Range 2) plot where each data value is split into a "leaf" (usually the last digit) and a "stem" (the other digits) a) Stem and Leaf Plot b) Measures of Central Tendency c) Histogram d) Dot Plot 3) graphically demonstrating the locality, spread and skewness groups of numerical data a) Histogram b) Relative Frequency Table  c) Box Plot d) Percent Graph 4) a graphical display of data using dots a) Median b) Histogram c) Dot Plot d) Outlier 5) The number or numbers that occur most frequently a) Stem and Leaf Plot b) Spread c) Mode d) Range 6) a graphical representation of data points organized into intervals a) Histogram b) Spread c) Box Plot d) Outlier 7) Average a) Box Plot b) Measures of Central Tendency c) Mean d) Outlier 8) The number in the middle or average of two middle numbers a) Mode b) Mean c) Range d) Median 9) how similar or varied the set of observed values are a) Variability b) Mode c) Relative Frequency Table  d) Outlier 10) A value much greater or much less than the rest of the data set a) Outlier b) Interquartile Range c) Range d) Relative Frequency Table  e) Mode 11) Mean, Median, Mode a) Measures of Central Tendency b) Measures of variablity c) Stem and Leaf Plot d) Relative Frequency 12) How often something happens divided by all outcomes in a table a) Dot Plot b) Stem and Leaf Plot c) Box Plot d) Relative Frequency Table  13) How spread out or closely clustered a set of data is a) Mode b) Measure of center c) Variability d) Spread 14) Graph that presents each part of categorical data as a percentage of the total. a) Box Plot b) Percent Graph c) Stem and Leaf Plot d) Dot Plot 15) difference between highest and lowest number a) Range b) Mean c) Median d) Mode

Statistics Vocabulary

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