1) who is this funny little plushie because i forgor   a) i forgor b) Dad pig c) Mom pig d) jamal e) George f) Peppa 2) Who is this a) George b) Dad pig c) mom Pig d) Peppa e) AMOGUS f) Zebra 3) Who is this  character on the left (definitely from Peppa pig) a) Wodo wooda i forgor the name b) dad pig c) mom pig d) peppa pig e) george pig f) amogues 4) who is this because i forgor a) idk amogus? b) heheheha c) george d) dad e) dad pig f) peppa pig 5) who is this again a) its george pig you bozo b) its amogus you bozo c) its peppa you bozo d) its bacon you bozo e) its a plushie you bozo f) its a i dont know i forgor bozo 6) Who is this a) mother pig b) idk c) yes d) geourge e) curious george f) heheheha 7) idk a) idk. b) idk.. c) idk... d) idk.... e) idk..... f) idc 8) who this a) zebro b) zebra c) jorge d) idk e) amogus???? f) i think its pony 9) who is this funny little toys name a) toy b) dinosaur c) idk d) t-Rex e) heheheah f) IM THA BIGGEST BARD 10) I kinda forgot who this is a) pony b) idk i also forgot c) zebra d) mom e) dad f) george 11) i forgot who this is a) mouse in a wheel chair (not gonna lie your not wrong if you pick this one b) MOUSe c) idk d) george e) mandy mouse f) hehehehaw 12) i asked on of my friends that what he wants in this question what is this a) Messi b) CHRISTIANO RONALDO SUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII c) idk i dont watch soccer d) i forgor e) WORLLLDLDDL CUUUUUUUUUUUP WOR- f) Angry bords 13) ba dadadadadadadadad buh buh buh buh buh buh bhu bu buubb ubu bu u bu bub ubu bu bu ubud udu u du diu ddu dbbudud b b chu dhd hu db dhud bd b ubdbud bud bud bu eubdubdb a) REd b) idk c) i mthat BIGGAST BORD d) im tnat biggest ppig e) hehehehas f) i forgor

Peppa pig quiz well not really

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