True: The address 578 is said "five seventy-eight.", When talking about the U.S., you must add the word "the" before "USA." Example: Carl is from the USA., Mexico is a country., Cincinnati is a city., Ohio is a state., 555-9078 is a phone number., The house number comes before the street name in an address., The hospital is on King's Rd. , The post office on Green St. , The supermarket is on Bond St. , 4567 Green St., Owensville, OH 45830, False: The address 578 is said "fifty-seven eight.", When talking about the U.S., you don't have to add the word "the" before "USA." Example: Carl is from USA., Mexico is a state., Cincinnati is a country., Ohio is a city. , 555-9078 is a zip code. , The house number comes after the street name in an address., The hospital is on Bond St. , The library is on King's Rd. , The supermarket is on Green St. , Green St., Ohio, Owensville, 45830, 4567,
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