buttress - on a masonry wall, a column of brick built into the wall, cold formed steel beam - a sheer steel c-beam used in lightweight steel floor construction, column - a vertical structural member subject to compressive forces, convenience stair - "access stair" opening in a floor slab for a stair between floors, coping stone / capstone - top masonry tile or stone of a parapet wall. designed to carry off rainwater. , corbel - a bracket or extension of masonry that projects from a masonry wall, deck - a horizontal surface covering supported by a floor or a roof beam, deflection - a bend, twist, or curve of a structure element under a load, facade - the front or face of a building, fluted metal (steel) deck - a wavy piece of sheet steel deck used to support concrete floor, girder - a structural element that supports a floor or roof beam (considered a primary structural member), gusset plate - a metal fastener in the form of a flat plate used to connect structural members, hat truss - a means of load distribution connecting core columns and perimeter columns, header beam - a support used to reinforce an opening in the floor, perpendicular to two trimmer beams, i-beam - a wood or steal beam that consists of a center called a web section and top and bottom flanges, interstitial space - a concealed space between the floors used to contain large mechanical and electrical equipment, kip - unit of measurement that represent 1000 lbs, laminated beam - a glued or layered composition beam , lintel - a horizontal piece of timber, stone, or steel placed over an opening in a wall, mortise - a hole cut into a timber that receives a tenon , open web steel bar joists - lightweight steel truss used as a floor or roof beam, pilaster - masonry column bonded to and built as an integral part of the inside "wall column" can be load carrying, purlin - a timber laid horizontally perpendicular to support the common rafters of a roof, ridgepole - a hotizontal timber that frames the highest point of a peak roof, S.F.R.M. - sprayed fire resistive material, tenon - a projecting, reduced portion of a timber designed to be inserted into a mortise, trimmer beam - a wood beam constructed around the perimeter of a floor opening,
Construction Terminology
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