Three parts of your body that we use with 'ache'. - earache, stomachache, toothache, Something that can be high, often because of stress or bad diet. - blood pressure, Something you could get on the beach if you're not careful - sunburn, What you should take if you have a headache e.g. aspirin or paracetamol - painkillers, A phrasal verb that means to recover from an illness - get over, When you have a cold you - sneeze and cough, A condition when something you eat or breathe can make you feel ill - allergic reaction, You should do this when you feel unwell or tired. - lie down, A verb and a phrasal verb that mean to become unconscious - faint, pass out, a phrasal verb that means to become conscious again - come round, An infectious illness like a very bad cold - flu, If you cut your finger with a sharp object, it will - bleed, how to describe an injury that can happen to your ankle. - sprain, This can happen if you drop very hot liquid on yourself - burn yourself, Something you should put on a small cut - a plaster, You might get this if you eat food which is past its sell-by date - food poisoning, This can happen to you if a piece of food gets stuck in your throat - choke, Adjective to describe a part of your body that has got bigger because of an injury - swollen, Two verbs that mean to be sick - vomit, throw up, how to describe the way your muscles were stretched beyond the limits, and causes - strain,
EF Upper-Int, unit 2A, Illnesses and injuries, practice
English file 4th edition
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