introduction - the beginning paragraph of an essay, hook - First sentence that grab's readers' attention., a claim/thesis - an opinion statement; needs to be proved by supporting fact, body paragraphs - Middle essay paragraphs that explain the reasons behind your opinion, a topic sentence - a sentence that states the topic of the paragraph, details - Good explanations with lots of information, evidence and facts - true information from experts, PROOF, conclusion - The ending paragraph, summary - A brief re-statement of main ideas. located in the conclusion, counterclaim - The opposite point of view, Persuasive essay - An essay that works to convince an audience to agree with your opinion, audience - The people who are reading your essay., rebuttal - An argument against the counterclaim!, argumentative essay - An essay that analyzes two points of view, fact - Something that can be proved, examples - support the claim, but need to be supported by facts or evidence,

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