Voice - the instrument we all have inside of us, also a fancy way to describe singing, Ukulele - the small fretted instrument, has a shape similar to a guitar, Hawaii - the place from where ukulele comes, Singing - producing a musical tone with the voice, lessons help you do this better, Piano - a popular instrument with a keyboard, this name is short for "pianoforte", Keyboard - the place you put your hands on a piano or a computer, also a nickname for a piano-type instrument, Tubano - one of the hand drums available in drumming lessons, Hand Drum - any large, hollow percussion instrument, played with hands not sticks or mallets, Drum Circle - a formation of percussion players who make a groove together. , Violin - the smallest string family instrument, plays high sweet "soprano" notes, Viola - the second smallest string family instrument, plays "alto" notes, Cello - the second biggest string family instrument, plays "tenor" notes, Double Bass - the largest and lowest string family instrument, plays "bass" notes,
Lower School Music Lessons at FCS
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