1) What animatronic caused the Bite of 83? a) Springbonnie b) Freddy c) Foxy d) Fredbear e) Chica f) Bonnie 2) How many years was Springtrap / William Afton in the parts & service room? a) 10 b) 8 c) 1 d) 20 e) 30 f) 100 3) What is the name of William's oldest child? a) Elijah b) Michael c) Terrance d) Elizabeth e) Chris/Evan f) Danielle 4) How old was BV (Bite Victim/CC/Chris/Evan) when they died? a) 10 b) 8 c) 7 d) 9 e) 12 f) 11 5) What type of animatronics are in FNaF 5? (Sister Location) a) Nightmares b) Glamrocks c) Funtimes d) Withered e) Rockstars f) Phantoms 6) What animatronic killed Elizabeth? a) Funtime Freddy b) Ballora c) Ennard d) Circus Baby e) Funtime Foxy f) Bon Bon 7) What animatronic does Charlie possess? a) Security Puppet b) Mangle c) Toy Bonnie d) Balloon Boy e) Puppet f) Withered Chica 8) Who died in the Bite of 87? a) CC/BV/Chris/Evan b) Jeremy c) Fritz d) Gabriel e) Susie f) Cassidy 9) Who is TOYSNHK? (The One You Should Not Have Killed) a) Susie b) Jeremy (The child) c) Fritz d) Charlie e) Gabriel f) Cassidy 10) What is the name of William's wife? a) Clara b) Rose c) &*^#* d) Elizabeth e) Trick question! You liar!! f) Sierra 11) How old is FNaF? a) 8 b) 5 c) 7 d) 2 e) 9 f) 10 12) Who was the first animatronic Scott made before FNaF was born? a) Freddy b) Chipper (He's pretty old-) c) Bonnie d) Chica e) Foxy f) Candy (WRONG GAME-) 13) What was L.E.F.T.E (or Lefty) made for? a) To k!// William b) To free the souls c) To capture The Puppet/Marionette d) To help Michael with his mission (Destroy Afton once and for all) e) To k!// Henry (WHY-) f) Entertainment 14) What is Mangle's gender? a) Male b) Female c) None, they're gender neutral d) Yes e) No f) Idk- 15) Who is Ennard possessed by? (Remember, this is MY AU!) a) Noah / Mike's bf b) Elijah / Mike's best friend to bf c) Elliot / Mike's bestie and soon-to-be bf d) Lucas / Mike's bff e) Elizabeth / Mike's sister f) Noelle / Mike's friend before Bite of 83 16) How many Nightmare Animatronics are there? a) 11 b) 10 c) 7 d) 20 e) Infinite >:) [C.C: NOOOOOO] f) 6 (0 ) - ( 0) 17) Who was William Afton's business partner / best friend? a) Dave Miller b) Terrance Afton c) Henry Emily d) Elijah Abrigade e) Noah Hitenway f) Vanessa 18) How did Michael Afton die? a) Funtime Freddy b) Ballora c) Circus Baby d) Ennard / The Scooper e) Funtime Foxy f) William Afton 19) Who do you play as in FNaF: Security Breach? a) Timmy Turner b) C.C/B.V/Chris/Evan c) Gregory d) Glamrock Freddy e) William Afton f) Vanessa 20) When does / did the FNaF movie come out?? a) November 3rd b) February 31st c) October 27th d) January 9th e) August 22nd f) April 19th

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