When the instructor is trying to come up with helpful ‘Pre’ activities… - it is important to think about what students already know or can guess about the topic., It can be really hard for students to understand the lecture/reading - if they don’t know the context (i.e. where, when, why this happens in the real world), It is important to use solo and pairwork in the ‘Pre’ activities so that - all students can actively engage and think about the topic., When students are writing or talking in the ‘Pre’ activities, the instructor - can monitor (i.e. move around the classroom) and listen in to see what students already know., If the instructor notices that some students are more experienced or knowledgeable than other students. - s/he can partner them with a less experienced students so that there can be more peer teaching., When the instructor is monitoring in the ‘Pre’ activities they might hear mistakes - but that is good because s/he can then correct those in the mini lecture.,

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