1) How much damage does Rush do? a) Instant Death b) 60-90 c) None d) 10 e) 50 f) 25 2) What do you do in a dark room and you hear a "psst" sound? a) Look everywhere and find a monster b) Run away c) Hide d) Eat it e) Do nothing f) Use a crucifix 3) Do you like this quiz? a) Yes b) No c) Sure d) Not really e) I don't know 4) When does Seek come? a) 25 - 47 b) 10 - 30 (only from modifiers) c) 35 - 50 d) 45 - 60 5) What door does Rush come at? a) 10, 20, 60, 70, 80, and 90. b) Every door c) Any door past door 5 d) Any door past door 5, but not at 50 and 100. e) Any door past door 5, but not at 50 and 100 and mostly at 90 - 99. f) 50 6) Thanks for playing this quiz! a) Your welcome! b) Your not welcome >:) c) No problem! d) Okay.

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