faire la vaisselle - to wash the dishes, faire mon lit - to make my bed, faire le repassage - to do the ironing, faire la lessive - to do the laundry (la les...), faire les courses - to shop for food, faire du jardinage - to do the gardening, faire le ménage - to do the housework, faire la cuisine - to do the cooking, repasserlesvêtements - to iron the clothes, tondre la pelouse - to mow the lawn 1, tondre le gazon - to mow the lawn 2, travaillerdansjardin - to work in the garden, préparer les repas - to prepare the meals, nettoyer - to clean, remplirlave-vaiselle - to load the dishwasher, ranger la chambre - to tidy the bedroom, ramasserlesfeuilles  - to gather the leaves,

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