Statistics - Data, Population - Complete Set, Population Numbers - Numbers describing the population, Sample - Smaller more specific set (subset), Sample Statistics - numbers describing the sample, Simple Random Sampling - randomly selected subset, Systemic Sampling - selection of every nth subject in the population, Convenience Sampling - sample being drawn from population that is close at hand, Cluster Sampling - entire population is divided into separate groups, Stratified Sampling - divide subjects into subgroups based on characteristics they share, Bias - Something that alters a statistical studies results, Observational Study - researcher observes and measures only, Experiment - researchers apply treatment and observe, Treatment Group - group that gets treatment in an experiment, Control Group - group that doesn't get the treatment in an experiment, Placebo - lacks active ingredients, Placebo Effect - a person improves because they believe they are receiving treatment, Single-anonymous - participants don't know if they are receiving treatment, Double-anonymous - participants & researchers don't know who is receiving treatment, Retrospective Study - study based on data from the past,


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