Minimal pairs - Words in a language that differ in meaning by only one phoneme, e.g. "pat" /pæt/ and "bat" /bæt/ "., Allophones - Different ways a single phoneme can be pronounced which do not make a difference in meaning, e.g. "pin" and "spin" ., 44 - Number of phonemes in the English language., Voiced and Unvoiced sounds - Sounds produced by the vibration or lack of vibration of the vocal cords during speech production, e.g. /z/ and /s/, Vowel - Sound made without restriction to the flow of air from the lungs., Diphthong - A gliding transition from one vowel to another within a single syllable., Consonant - Sound produced by partially or fully closing the flow of air., Semi-vowels - Also known as "glide". Speech sound that is similar to a vowel sound but functions as a consonant, e.g. "yatch" /jɑːt/ and "allow" /əˈlaʊ/ , Phonemic script - Set of phonemic symbols which show how words are pronounced, e.g. /ˈjel.oʊ/ , Phoneme - Smallest unit of sound in a language which makes a difference to meaning.,

TKT Unit 3 Phonology

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