openness to experience - thinks about issues from all sides and is not interested in conventional ways of doing things., conscientiousness - reliable, hardworking, dependable, extraversion - outgoing, social, lively, agreeableness - kind, nice and trusting , neuroticism - worrier, anxious, insecure, id - unconscious drive- works with pleasure principle, Pleasure principle - the id always seeks pleasure, ego - structure that deals with the demands of reality, reality principle - trying to bring the individual pleasure within the norms of society, superego - harsh internal judge of our behavior, denial - ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety producing realities, displacement - directing unacceptable impulses at a less threatening target, sublimation - expressing an unconscious wish in a socially valued way, projection - we see in others what we fear or despise in ourselves., reaction formation - a person's conscious experience is exactly the opposite of their true desires, repression - pushes unacceptable id impulse into unconscious mind,
Big 5 Personality traits/ Freud stuff
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