whitespace - Empty space around content, subheading - This appears just under the heading, YearbookAvenue - Online software to create, design, edit spreads, pica - a unit of measurement in yearbooks. Usually 6 per inch., folio - page number with graphics or information, theme - Central context or tone setting the story for the year, eyeline - an invisible horizontal line that runs across a spread, either above or below the center, to help unify the spread and guide the reader's eye, module - a portion of a spread containing mini design of photos/text/poll, deadlines - Dates set by Jostens to send completed Yearbook pages for an on-time delivery, ladder - page-by-page planner to track progress of Yearbook, chronological ladder - this type of yearbook places events in order of the year in seasons/months/ or days, featurestory - Usually 3-5 paragraphs. This tells about the main story featured in the dominant photo., headline - grabs the reader's attention and previews the essence of the story, caption - tells the reader more about the who, what of the photo than they can see, dominant - the largest photo on a spread, must be a strong emotional or action shot to capture attention,

Delicious Design Yearbook Terms P.1

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