make presents for your family instead of buying them OR… buy all of your family's presents?, not celebrate Christmas/Hanukkah this year OR… not celebrate your birthday this year?, have Frosty the Snowman for a friend or create your own snowman friend?, be given $100 for Christmas /Hanukkah to buy things for yourself OR… be given $1000 before Christmas /Hanukkah to use to buy gifts for other people, get many small presents for Christmas /Hanukkah OR… get one big present for Christmas/Hanukkah, know what all your gifts are or be surprised by all your gifts?, have “Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel” stuck in your head or “Jingle Bells?”, be famous for starring in a cheesy holiday movie or not be famous at all?, get to invent a holiday on whatever day you want or have a holiday fall on your birthday?, give up one family tradition or start a new one?, have to eat a whole turkey in one sitting or never be able to eat turkey again?, vacation somewhere cold or hot during the holidays?, visit far-away family or far-away friends?, have everyone on your team be elf-sized and you be normal or have everyone be normal and you be elf-sized?, replace your football with a pumpkin or eat 100 gold Hanukkah coins before every game?, rather play sports in the snow or in the windy cold?, travel during the holidays or stay home?, have snow every day during the holiday season or not have any snow at all?, have an entire snow week off from school or an extra week of summer vacation?, would you rather have a penguin teach the class or a polar bear take over instruction for the day?.
Would You Rather --Winter Holidays
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