prudent (adjective) - Wise and careful in making decisions; showing good judgment.,  authoritarian (adjective) - Behaving in a bossy or controlling way; too forceful or dominant., imprudent (adjective) - Not thinking about the risks or dangers of an action; careless and irresponsible., predicted (verb) - To predict or say what will happen in the future., possessions (noun) - Things that you own or that belong to you., meddle (verb) - To get involved in something that does not concern you., guarantee (verb) - To promise that something will happen., opponent (noun) - Someone who is competing against you., fiercely (adverb) - With a lot of force and energy., vain (adjective) - Useless or without any effect., bestowed (verb) - To give something as a gift or honor., ungrudgingly (adverb) - Without complaining or reluctance., valiant (adjective) - Brave and courageous, especially in the face of danger., dejectedly (adverb) - In a sad or discouraged way., epiphany (noun) - A sudden realization or understanding, often of a spiritual or life-changing nature.,

Text - Vocabulary 1

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