Refugee - What term means someone who has moved away from an area of conflict to find safety?, Medicine - Modern __________ and hygiene can help people live longer., Jobs - More economic development in an area means there are more _____, so more people might immigrate there., GDP - ______ is the total amount of money a country makes per year., Rural - Word meaning countryside., Natural - Is water a natural, human, or capital resource?, Ethnicity - This term means where someone's ancestors are from., Mortality - Infant _______________ rate is how many babies die before turning 1 year old., Women - The role of ___________ in society can determine how fast the population will grow., Urban - Word meaning city., LifeExpectancy - ______________________ (no spaces) means how long a person can expect to live., Capital - Are transportation and technology examples of natural, human, or capital resources?, Death - ________ rates are how many people are dying., China - What country is famous for restricting how many children families can have there?, Birth - ________ rates are how many people are born., Increase - If the birth rate is higher than the death rate, the population will _______________.,
Population Crossword
8th Grade
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