Frozen screen: Hi, everyone. Let’s begin. John, could you start by sharing your update?, John, I think your screen is frozen. Can you try turning your video off and on again? That might reset your connection., It doesn’t seem to be working. Does anyone else have an idea?, John, try leaving the call and rejoining. Sometimes that helps refresh the connection., I’m back! That worked. Thanks for your patience, everyone., On Mute: Let’s hear from Maria about her part of the project. Maria, go ahead., I think you’re on mute. Could you unmute yourself?, Can you hear me now?, No, we still can’t hear you. Does anyone know another solution?, check your microphone settings in the video platform or make sure your mic is plugged in properly., Oh, it works now! Thanks for the tip!, Lagging Audio: Let’s continue with the client update. Peter, it’s your turn., …nd that’s why the results are…ally important., your audio is cutting out a lot. Can you try turning off your video? Sometimes it helps improve the sound quality., Is it better now?, Not really. Does anyone else have an idea?, it might help to switch to a different device or call in using your phone., Hi, can you hear me clearly now?, Perfect! Let’s continue., Can’t Share Screen: We’re ready for your presentation, Sarah. Could you share your screen?, Hmm, it’s not letting me share. I’m clicking, but nothing happens., Sometimes restarting the platform helps. Try that and see if it works., No luck. Does anyone else know how to fix this?, check if the host has given you permission to share your screen. Host, could you check that?, Oh, my mistake! You should have access now., It works now! Thanks for catching that., Can’t Open a Document: Alex, could you open the shared document and walk us through the changes?, I’m trying, but it says, “Access Denied.”, Hmm. Maybe refreshing the link will work. Could you try that?, It’s still not working. Does anyone else have a suggestion?, check if you’re logged into the correct account. Sometimes permissions are tied to specific email addresses., That fixed it! I can see the document now. Thanks, everyone.,
Problems - sulutions (SO-B2-5C)
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