Alliteration - A repetition of consonant sounds, such as “the smooth, skaterly glide and sudden swerve.”, Fast rhythm - indicates: action, excitement, tension, or suspense., Free Verse - Poetry that does not rhyme and has no regular rhythm. In free verse, the poet creates the rules, drawing on his intuitive sense of how the poem should look, sound, and express meaning., Humorous Poetry - makes a reader laugh or has witty nonsensical humor in it., Line Break - The place where the poet chooses to end a line, often used to indicate rhythm or to represent meaning., Lyrical Poetry - Personal and descriptive poetry; it helps the reader feel through the senses. Lyric poetry showcases melodic language that conveys a sense of song., Metaphor - the comparison of two unlike things without the use of like or as, Meter - A rhythmic pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables., Narrative Poetry - Tells a story or a sequence of events., Personification - Language that gives human characteristics to inanimate objects, animals, or concepts., Rhyme - Two or more words which match in the same last sound (bat, cat, sat)., Rhyme Scheme - the pattern of rhyming lines (ex: AABB, ABAB), Rhythm - The beat or cadence of poetry, Simile - compares two different things using words like or as, Slow rhythm - suggests: peacefulness, fullness, harmony, and comfort., Stanza Stanza - a group of lines that convey an idea,
Poetry Vocabulary 4th
4th Grade
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