slug - An animal that is slow and slimy., sled - Something kids use to play in the snow, slide - You can find this on a playground, slime - This is sticky and kids like to make it., sleep - At night time you do this., slice - You cut the cake into these., sleeve - Your shirt has these to cover your arms., slow - Snails, slugs, and turtles all move this way., slip - If there is ice you need to be careful not to do this., slam - When you are mad you might do this to a door. , smile - You do this when you are happy!, smoke - This comes with fire., smell - You use your nose for this., smart - When you think and use your brain you are this., small - mice, beads, babies are this size, smooth - When something is flat and sometimes slick. , smash - The hulk does this with his fists. ,
Blue L31 SM SL
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
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