Alleles - different variations of the same gene; for example, blue and brown are different alleles for eye color, Dominant - a trait that is expressed over another trait, Gene - a section of DNA that determines a specific trait, such as eye color, Genetics - the study of heredity, Genotype - the combination of alleles for a particular trait (homozygous or heterozygous), Heredity - the passing of traits from one generation to the next, Heterozygous (or hybrid) - having two different of the same alleles for a trait, Homozygous (or pure) - have two of the same alleles for a trait, Homozygous dominant - having two dominant alleles for a trait , Homozygous recessive - having two recessive alleles for a trait, Law of dominance - a natural law stating that a dominant allele will always mask a recessive allele, Mendel, Gregor - an Austrian monk whose study of garden peas earned him the title Father of Genetics, Phenotype - the physical characteristics of an organism that show how genes are expressed, Recessive - a trait that can be hidden by another trait, Traits - characteristics; often physical qualities such as color, height, etc., True breeding - homozygous organism that always produces offspring with identical traits,

Mendelian Genetics and Inheritance

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