keep back - reserve, not reveal, keep off - stay off, not approach, keep on - continue (keep), keep out - not enter, keep up - maintain, hold on to - prevent from being taken away, hold on - wait for a short time, hold up (затримуватися) - delay, hold up (грабувати) - rob, catch up with - reach, carry on - continue (carry), carry out - perform,conduct, carry away - over-excited, wear out - become unsuitable for further use, to be worn out - tired, work out знаходити рішення - find a solution, work out робити фіз вправи - take part in physical exercise, move into - start living in, move out - stop living in,

Unit 04 Use of English B2 Phrasal verbs

Papan mata

Gaya visual


Tukar templat

Pulihkan autosimpan: ?