1) What is the root/base for the word 'exporting' a) ex b) port c) ing 2) What is the prefix for the word 'exporting' a) port b) ex c) ing 3) What is the suffix for the word 'unfinished' a) un b) finish c) ed 4) What is the suffix in the word 'programable' a) pro b) gram c) able 5) What is the prefix in the word 'distasteful' a) ful b) dis c) taste 6) What is the root/base in the word 'dishonorable' a) honor b) dis c) able 7) What is the root/base in the word 'remarkable' a) re b) mark c) able 8) What is the suffix in the word 'distasteful' a) taste b) dis c) ful 9) What is the suffix in the word 'disorderly' a) ly b) dis c) order 10) What is the prefix in the word 'misplaced' a) place b) ed c) mis

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