Dick & Jane Readers - A set of reading books used in the 1930’s that taught reading skills through simple stories about family., McGuffey Readers - The first widely used textbooks published during the American Common School period; contributed to the standardization of education, Normal Schools - Prepared men and women with the necessary skills to become teachers., Morrill Act - provided funds so states could establish land-grant colleges, Benjamin Franklin - established the first library, encouraged the teaching of citizenship in schools, Thomas Jefferson - played a major role in establishing the current American public education system & established the University of Virginia, Horace Mann - established normal schools and introduced the concept of nonsectarian schools., Frederic Froebel - developed the idea for kindergarten based on the theory that young children learn best through play., John Dewey - Supported teaching of critical thinking skills & the idea of the teacher as a guide to learning, Common Schools - public schools available to children from all levels of society; the first state-supported schools which gave the same education to people from different levels of society.,

Early American Education Part 1

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