Yo soy mayor que mi hermana. - I am older than my sister. , Mi prima es menor que yo. - My cousin is younger than me. , Mi tía es tan generosa como mi madre.  - My aunt is as generous as my mom. , Tu primo es más irritante que tu hermano.   - Your cousin is more annoying than your brother. , Su sobrina es tan activa como su tía. - Her niece is as active as her aunt. , Tu sobrino es tan sociable como tu hermano. - Your nephew is as social as your brother. , Mi madre es mayor que mi padre. - My mom is older than my dad. , Tu padre es menor que tu madre. - Your dad is younger than your mom. , Su hijo es más energético que su esposo. - Her son is more energetic than her husband. , Mi profe de español es tan chévere como tu profe de español.  - My Spanish profe is as cool as your Spanish profe. , Mi perro es menos feo que tu perro. - My dog is less ugly than your dog., Tengo tanto dinero como mi amigo. - I have as much money as my friend., Tus hermanos son menores que tú. - Your siblings are younger than you., Corremos tanto como el equipo de fútbol. - We run as much as the soccer team., Me gustan las galletas más que el pastel. - I like the cookies more than the cake.,

Donahue Family and Comparisons Match

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