paramount - Everybody agrees that education is the дуже важливиий issue., trifling - It was such a мізерна/неважлива sum of money to argue about!, riveting - It was a захоплююча story., dull - The lecture was dry, нудна, and full of statistics., outstanding - It's an area of неймовірної natural beauty., dreadful - The news report was so жахливий that I just had to switch it off., quaint  - In Spain, we visited a cobblestone plaza with чудернацькі little cafés around its perimeter., hideous - She wears the most потворні colour combinations you could ever imagine., baffling - I found what he was saying completely заплутаним., straightforward - The doctor explained the operation in простий English., sizeable  - There were дуже великі fluctuations in exchange rates., paltry  - The savers were getting a дуже маленький 0.1% interest regardless of the balance in their accounts.,


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