1 - Do you prefer to travel around your town/city by car, by public transport, by bike or on foot? Why?, 2 - Make questions with how much, how many, who and where., 3 - Reasons for being late., 4 - I can..../ I have to...., 5 - What kind of transport system is a good idea for your town/city? Why/Why not?, 6 - Opposite of "easy", "green", "comfortable", "dangerous", "convenient", 7 - CAN'T /DON'T HAVE TO (explain), 8 - APOLOGIZING (phrases), 9 - What types of transport do you know?, 10 - Get into/ get out of (Explain), 11 - Загрязняющий окр. среду / неудобный/некомфортный (in Eng), 12 - Are you often late for work or meetings? Why/Why not?, 13 - Get on/ get off (Explain), 14 - Take/ride/go by + noun, 15 - Opposite "fast", "safe", "green", "healthy", 16 - A/an/the/- (explain+example), 17 - TELL A LONG STORY , 18 - Articles (a/an/the/-) explain+make a text , 19 - At the airport (phrases) , 20 - Deals with a problem,

Bảng xếp hạng

Lật quân cờ là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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