1) Phil's the _________ football player I know. a) worst b) worse c) badder 2) What's the ________ place in the world? a) hotter b) hottest c) most hot 3) He bought the _________ shoes in the shop. a) most expensive b) more expensive c) expensivest 4) Winter is the ______ time of the year for drivers. a) dangerouest b) more dangerous c) most dangerous 5) They went to the ______ restaurant in the city. a) cheapest b) more cheap c) most cheap 6) She's the ______ swimmer in the class. a) good b) better c) best 7) My dad's the _______ person in my family. a) funniest b) more funny c) most funny 8) Who's the ______ person you know? a) old b) oldest c) older 9) Your computer was _______ than mine. a) expensive b) more expensive c) the most expensive 10) My sister is ________ than me. a) the youngest b) younger c) young 11) Sarah's a ______ cook than me. a) worse b) worst c) bad 12) It's ______ in Greece than in Sweden. a) hottest b) more hot c) hotter 13) Anton's a ________ dancer than you. a) better b) good c) the best 14) Swimming in the sea is _________ than swimming in the pool. a) dangerous b) more dangerous c) the most dangerous 15) I'm _______ now than when I was a teenager. a) happyer b) more happy c) happier 16) This year's course is _______ than last year's course. a) more hard b) harder c) hardest

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