Brain: ● Produce more unexpected outcomes, ● Don't always behave the way you want it to, ● Creative, ● Common sense, ● Emotion, ● Feelings, ● Imagination, ● Unique, Both: ● Make decisions, ● Store memories, ● Both use electrical signals to send messages, ● Can learn, ● Can be damaged, ● Studied by scientists, ● Responsible for processing information, ● Powered by energy, ● Both have outputs in the form of signals, Computers: ● Doesn’t make many mistakes, ● Connected to the world, ● Orderly, ● Good at following directions and steps, ● Fast and complex, ● Does what it has been programmed to do, ● Can be turned off, ● Cannot disobey orders, ● Can only do what it was told to do,

Brain Vs Computers

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