acne - skin disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the sebaceous glands, anhidrosis - deficiency in perspiration or the inability to sweat, bromhidrosis - foul-smelling perspiration caused by bacteria, cicatrix (scar) - lightly raised mark on the skin formed after an injury or lesion has healed, conjunctivitis (pinkeye) - infection of the eye(s) that may be caused by bacteria or virus; extremely contagious, dermatitis - inflammatory condition of the skin, eczema - inflammatory, uncomfortable, and often chronic disease of the skin, herpes simplex I - recurring viral infection that often presents as a fever blister or cold sore, hyperhidrosis - excessive sweating, impetigo - contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by weeping lesions, milia - benign, keratin-filled cysts that can appear just under the epidermis and have no visible opening, miliaria rubra (prickly heat) - acute inflammatory disorder of the sweat glands, rosacea - chronic condition primarily on the cheeks and nose characterized by redness and dilated blood vessels, sebaceous cyst - large, protruding pocket-like lesion filled with sebum, seborrheic dermatitis - skin condition caused by inflammation of the sebaceous glands, telangiectasis - distended or dilated surface blood vessels, ulcer - open lesion on the skin or mucous membrane accompanied by pus and loss of skin depth ,

Cosmetology Chapter 8 - Vocab 2

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