lymph - clear fluid that carries wastes and impurities away from cells, seventh cranial nerve - chief motor nerve of the face; emerges near the lower part of ear and extends to the muscles of the neck, motor nerves - carry impulses from the brain to the muscles or glands, fifth cranial nerve - chief sensory nerve of the face that serves as a motor nerve of the muscles that control chewing, exocrine glands - produce substance that travels through small, tube-like ducts; includes sweat glands and oil glands of the skin, sensory nerves - carry impulses or messages from the sense organs of the brain, circulatory system - controls circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels, facial artery - branch of the external carotid artery that supplies blood to the lower region of the face, mouth, and nose, integumentary system - consists of skin and its accessory organs; serves as a protective covering and helps regulate temperature, capillaries - tiny, thin-walled blood vessels; bring nutrients to cells and carry away waste,

Cosmetology Chapter 6 - Vocab 4

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