Cable Lock - one of the simplest ways to protect your laptop from physical theft, Malware - any program or code designed to do something undesirable on a system or network, Worm - can replicate on its own through networks, Virus - does not self-replicate across networks, Trojan Horse - pretends to do one thing while doing something evil, Keylogger - records user's keystrokes and makes that info available to the programmer, Rootkit - takes advantage of very low-level operating system functions to hide itself, Spyware - can use your computer’s resources to run distributed computing applications, steal passwords, etc, Botnet - network of infected computers under the control of one person or group, Spoofing - process of pretending to be someone or something you are not, Zero-Day Attack - attack on a vulnerability not already known to the software developers, Pop-Ups - surprise browser windows that appear automatically when you visit a website, Brute Force - any attempt to guess the contents of some kind of data field that isn’t obvious, Spam - unsolicited emails from both legitimate businesses and scammers, Drive-By Downloads - undesired file downloads generated by malicious websites and ads,

Securing Computers Review

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