Sensorimotor - Birth to 2 years, PreOperational - 2 to 7 years, Concrete Operational - 7 to 11 years, Formal Operational - 11 years and older, Object Permanence - Understand objects exist even though can't be seen. , Schemas - Mental frameworks brain using for categorizing knowledge, Piaget - Studied how knowledge grows & developed stages of cognitive development, Maslow - Studied healthy humans and developed the Hierarchy of Needs , Self Actualization - Reaching your full potential in terms of work, societal contributions, family, and life. , Physiological Needs - Basic needs such as food, water, and sleep, Social Belonging - Needs dealing with love, affection, and friendship. , Esteem - Needs dealing with achievement and recognition, Shelter and Protection - After food, water, and sleep, which is a basic need we all have?, Hierarchy of Needs - Model of needs and growth necessary for a happy, fulfilled life. ,

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