Ethics - The basic principles that govern your behavior, Ethical Principles - Standards that govern behavior; not dependent on circumstance., Ethical Situation - An issue in which you must decide whether something is right or wrong, Integrity - Adhering to an established set of personal ethics and sound moral, Trustworthy - Reliable; deserving the confidence of others, Accountability - The condition of having to answer for or be liable for your actions; accepting responsibility for your decisions, Transparency - The quality of being just as one seems; being open and truthful when communicating, Fairness - The ability to make judgments without favoritism or self-interest; engaging in fair competition and creating equal relationships, Respect - Regard or esteem; honoring the rights, freedoms, views, and property of others, Rule of Law - Complying with laws and regulations, Viability - The long-term value of your choices, Arrogance - An inflated sense of self-importance, Consequence - The result of an action, Dilemma - A difficult situation in which you are required to make a decision, Ethical dilemma - n issue in which you must decide whether something is right or wrong; sometimes referred to as an ethical situation, Intuition - Instinct: gut feeling, Role Model - A person whose behavior is imitated by others,

Ethics Unit 1

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