1) The weather was awful. I wish it __________ (to be) better. a) had been b) was c) is 2) I wish I __________ (to know) Sue’s telephone number. a) had known b) would know c) knew 3) Do you wish you __________ (to study) science instead of languages last year? a) had studied b) study c) were studying 4) I feel sick. I wish I __________ (not to eat) so much. a) hadn`t eaten b) ate c) didn`t eat 5) It’s crowded here. I wish there __________ (not to be) so many people. a) were not b) are not c) is 6) I wish I __________ (to be) taller. a) were b) had been c) am 7) I wish you __________ (stop) shouting. I am not deaf you know. a) stopped b) would stop c) stop 8) I wish he__________ (to borrow) that book from the library last week. a) had borrowed b) borrowed c) has borrowed 9) I wish you__________ (to give) him my phone number at that party. a) had given b) has given c) have not given 10) I wish I ________ (can speak) several languages. a) could speak b) spoke c) speak

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