1) enjoy about studying English 2) huge amount of hype 3) a popular keep-fit activity 4) passtime I've never tried 5) couldn't stand when I was younger 6) fancy doing this weekend 7) admire in people 8) is great about living here 9) a lot of locals do at the weekend 10) puts people off performing for others 11) was nice about being a child 12) should spend more time doing 13) people don't talk about enough 14) always find encouraging 15) many people are concerned about 16) used to spend hours doing as a child 17) a lot of people take sereously 18) helps people switch off 19) not really into 20) don't have any patience for 21) appreciate in a friend 22) has grown on me 23) really unusual to see around here 24) I've always liked

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