los quehaceres - chores, arreglar el cuarto - to clean up the room, ayudar a - to help, barrer; escobar - to sweep, cocinar - to cook, cortar el césped - to mow the long, cuidar a - to take care of ___, to babysit, dar - to give, dar de comer al ___ - to feed ___, fregar - to wash, to scrub, to mop, hacer la cama - to make the bed, lavar el coche (el carro) - to wash the car, lavar los platos - to wash the dishes, lavar la ropa - to wash the laundry (clothes), limpiar el baño - to clean the bathroom, pasar la aspiradora - to vacuum, pasear al perro - to walk the dog, poner la mesa - to set the table, quitar el polvo - to dust, sacar la basura - to take out the trash, planchar la ropa - to iron the clothes, rastrillar las hojas - to rake the leaves, quitar la nieve - to shovel snow,
ML Spanish 8: Unidad 4B (Chores ONLY)
Chia sẻ
8th Grade
Chỉnh sửa nội dung
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