the head of a university faculty - dean, the head of an entire university - rector, a student who is studying for their bachelor’s degree - undergraduate, a short piece of writing - essay, a long piece of writing completed by a student as a part of their degree - dissertation/ thesis, an exam, often a type of language exam, in which you give spoken and not written answers - oral exam, lowest score you need to succeed - minimum pass, to say or tell people something more than once - repeat, to learn something so that you will remember it exactly - memorise, a mark given to students who produce work of an excellent standard - distinction, You usually need three A levels to get into university - a public exam TAKEN in England and Wales by children aged 17 or 18. Students take AS level exams then A2s, usually a year later, which together make a full A level qualification, a person who is employed to take care of a large building, such as a school or office building, and to deal with the cleaning, repairs - caretaker,

Oxford exam trainer. p 33, 37.

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