airport terminal - a building at an airport divided into Arrivals and Departures (domestic and international flights), departures board - an electronic display showing flight times and if the flight is on time, boarding, closed, or delayed, check-in desk - where you hand in any checked baggage (bags, suitcases, etc.) and are given a boarding pass, baggage drop off - where you take your luggage to check it in if you already have your boarding pass, security - where they check that you are not trying to take prohibited items (e.g., liquids or sharp objects) onto the plane, by scanning your carry-on luggage and making you walk through a metal detector, VIP lounge - where passengers who are traveling business or first class can wait for their flight, gate - where you show your boarding pass and ID and board your flight, runway - where planes take off and land, baggage claim - where you collect your luggage on arrival, and there are usually carts for carrying heavy suitcases, customs - where your luggage may be checked to see if you are bringing illegal goods into the country,

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