Help - Displays a list of available commands and their brief descriptions, cd/chdir - Changes the current directory to a specified directory, dir - Lists the files and directories in the current directory, md/mkdir - Creates a new directory, rd/rmdir - Deletes an empty directory, ipconfig - Displays network configuration details - IP address, etc., ping - Tests network connectivity to a specified host by sending ICMP Echo Request packets, hostname - Displays the name of the current computer or device on the network, netstat - Displays network connections, routing tables, and network interface statistics, nslookup - Queries DNS to obtain domain name or IP address information, chkdsk - Checks a disk for errors and repairs file system issues, net - Provides various network-related functionalities, net view - Displays a list of shared resources or computers on the network, net user - Manages user accounts on a computer or domain, net use - Connects, disconnects, or displays network connections, such as mapped drives or network shares, tracert - Traces the path taken by packets to reach a specified network host, format - Prepares a disk for use by creating a file system on it, effectively erasing all data on the disk, xcopy - Copies files and directories, including subdirectories, from one location to another, copy - Copies one or more files from one location to another, robocopy - Copies files and directories with advanced features such as - Retrying on failures, mirroring directories, and preserving attributes, gpupdate - Refreshes Group Policy settings on a local or remote computer, gpresult - Shows the effective Group Policy settings applied, shutdown - Shutdown a computer, sfc - Scans and repairs corrupted or missing system files in Windows, [command name] /? - Provides detailed help information and usage examples for a specific command, diskpart - Disk partitioning tool used to create, delete, and manage disk partitions, pathping - Combines the functions of ping and traceroute, winver - Displays the version and build number of the Windows operating system,
CompTIA A+ Core 2 1102 - Windows Command Line Commands
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Core 2
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