promise - to, advice - to, agree - to, want - to, decide - to, expect - to, hope - to, refuse - to, angry - to, happy - to, lucky - to, glad - to, where - to, how - to, what - to, who - to, which to - to, why - -, would like - to, would love - to, would prefer - to, pleasure - to, too - to, enough - to, it+be + adj - to, only - to, as a noun - -ing, admit (to) - -ing, avoid - -ing, consider - -ing, continue - -ing, delay - -ing, deny - -ing, enjoy - -ing, escape - -ing, excuse - -ing, fancy - -ing, finish - -ing, forgive - -ing, imagine - -ing, insist on - -ing, involve - -ing, keep - -ing, look forward to - -ing, mention - -ing, mind - -ing, miss - -ing, object to - -ing, postpone - -ing, practise - -ing, prevent - -ing, report - -ing, resit - -ing, risk - -ing, save - -ing, stand - -ing, suggest - -ing, understand - -ing, love/like/hate/dislike/enjoy/prefer - to/-ing, I'm busy - -ing, It's no use - -ing, it's no good - -ing, it's worth - -ing, what's the use of - -ing, can't help - -ing, there is no point in - -ing, can't stand - -ing, be/get used to - -ing, be/get accustomed to - -ing, hav difficulties in - -ing, go + physical activity - -ing, spend/waste - -ing, after prepositions - -ing, as a noun - -ing, to express purpose - to, stop - -ing,

Gerund /Infinitive

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