acostarse - to go to bed, bañarse - to take a bath, afeitarse - to shave, cepillarse el pelo - to brush oneś hair, cepillarse los dientes - to brush oneś teeth, despertarse - to wake up, dormirse - to go to sleep, to fall sleep, ducharse - to take a shower, lavarse la cara - to wash oneś face, lavarse las manos - to wash oneś hands, levantarse - to get up, llamarse - to be called, to be named, maquillarse - to put on makeup, peinarse - to comb oneś hair, ponerse - to put on, quedarse - to stay, quitarse - to take off, sentarse - to sit down, estirarse - to stretch, mirarse - to look at oneself,

Reflexive Verbs (Daily Routine)

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