Audiogram - A map of a person’s hearing ability, Unilateral - Happening on one side , Bilateral - Happening on two sides , Audiologist - A doctor who treats hearing and ear issues., Sensorineural Hearing Los - Hearing loss caused by damage to the auditory nerve, Conductive Hearing Loss - Hearing loss due to the pathway of sound being hindered, Mixed Hearing Loss - Hearing loss that is sensorineural & conductive, Hertz - A unit of frequency, measuring how high or low a sound is, Decibel - A unit that measures the intensity of sound, or how loud a sound is, Hearing Amplification - The process of making sounds louder, often through hearing aids or other devices., Hearing Assistive Technology - Devices that helps people with hearing loss hear better in certain situations, such as in a classroom, Auditory  Fatigue - Tiredness from Listening , Speech Banana - A visual representation on an audiogram showing where speech sounds occur,

DHH Self Advocacy Audiology Terminology

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